The Icon Maxx 350 and 500kg are 4-layered static foam bariatric mattresses with firm hinged strengthened sides, segmented base and Advantiflex Classic pressure care cover, suited to clients between (90-350 kg for 350kg, 120-500kg for 500kg) with a medium risk of pressure injury.
This therapeutic weight loading is achieved through a 20cm premium specification and grading of pressure redistributing, comfort, supportive and foundational foam grades. The base two foam layers are split into three segments to allow the firm mattress to contour effectively on a profiling bed.
The Advantiflex Classic cover on the Icon Maxx is supplied with an Extra Heavy-Duty PVC Base to provide additional durability.
The Icon Maxx 350kg and Icon Maxx 500kg are the fitting choice for bariatric clients looking to achieve comfort, longevity and effective patient care.